Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Allotment 1

We thought we'd get an allotment, because Davina and I like the idea of growing some vegetables, and we don't have enough space in our garden (the car tends to get in the way).

The local council have a long waiting list for allotments, so we decided to look for a private one (there are quite a few farms that have allotments sites in this area). We found one about two and a half miles away. It's only a few minutes drive and its on a bus route (in case I want to use my Freedom Pass).

And here it is:

It was a lovely day today so we went there to put in some blocks to stand our shed on. Here are a couple of pictures of Davina working hard:

This is the completed foundations:

And here is a picture of me, relaxing with a cigarette at the end of all the hard work:

It was really exhausting watching Davina work!

We have drawn up a plan of what we are going to plant.

I will keep you updated with our progress.

I’m peccable (so are you, probably).

I haven’t blogged for a while, and if you have been waiting for something pithy and witty (which I doubt), you will probably be disappointed, most people will find this little blog boring. Nevertheless, I press on.

A few days ago a friend of mind put this on her Facebook page:

impeccable - what a fabulous word!

That got me thinking, not about the word impeccable, but about the word peccable. I, and probably most other people, know what impeccable means; here are some of its synonyms, according Collins dictionary:

Collins also adds that it is rarely used to mean: incapable of sinning.  The Oxford dictionary says it is rarely used to mean: not liable to sin.

But when we come to Peccable the two dictionaries seem to differ. Because the Collins dictionary says it means: liable to sin; susceptible to temptation. Oxford dictionary says it means: capable of sinning.

I’m confused now because I see being capable of doing something and being liable to do something as two different things; just because I am capable of doing something doesn’t mean I am liable, or likely to do it.

I am not going to go into to what Sin means, you can look it up.

Am I capable of sinning? Yes!
Am I liable to sin? Probably.
Am I peccable? Yes; or am I?